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Manual lymphatic drainage is a massage technique for reducing lymphedema. It relieves pain and has positive effects on mobility, well-being and health. But what exactly is Manual Lymphatic Drainage, how does it work, what is done and when is it used?
Manual lymphatic drainage is a medical massage. Thus, it is not primarily used for relaxation, but for the treatment of an impairment of health. In this case, the elimination of lymphedema. Manual lymphatic drainage is performed by specially trained physiotherapists.
Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues. The culprit is a disturbed lymphatic drainage in the space between cells, tissues and organs. This is not only unpleasant. Depending on which part of the body is affected, the swelling also restricts freedom of movement. In addition, since the lymphatic system serves to remove waste products, congestion of the lymph is detrimental to general health. Manual lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymphatic vessels to increase the removal of lymphatic fluid. As a result, the painful swelling goes down, the surrounding muscles relax, and the body’s defenses are strengthened. In addition, the general effect of the massage has the positive side effect of stimulating blood circulation and activating the pain receptors in the skin.
Manual lymphatic drainage uses a combination of massage techniques and compression therapy. Specifically, the following measures work together in manual lymphatic drainage:
The basic grips include the standing circle, the pump grip, the scoop grip and the twist grip.
In addition to the four basic grips, the massage is individually adapted to the respective cause by means of special supplementary grips.
In compression therapy, the body parts affected by edema are tightly wrapped after the massage. The pressure ensures that the edema does not form again after the treatment.
Manual lymphatic drainage is used for congestion of lymphatic fluid. It is often used for the following conditions: